Y2K Thailand
Y2K Thailand FAQ

What have we done so far?

We have

  • Established the National Y2K Committee chaired by H.E. Deputy Prime Minister.

  • Established a Y2K Supercritical Organization Subcommittee to handle all important public utilities, hospitals, banks, etc.

  • Allocated a special fund to help all governmental departments to assess and remediate the problem.

  • Organized seminars widely throughout the country. The participants range from ministers, governors, members of participants, permanent secretary to students in colleges.
  • Officially tested several critical organizations such as the Telephone Organization of Thailand, Thai Airways International, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.

Each working group selected its own chairman and members work closely among themselves. They discuss, plan, do and cross check each other to make sure that the remediation is complete and successful.

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National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, National Science and Technology Development Agency.
Ministry of Science Technology and Environment